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a Little Greener


Maryland Day – “Growing a Little Greener!”


Did you know that he green petal on our Black-Eyed Susan logo signifies Maryland Day’s commitment to environmental stewardship? Our partners' events and sites strive to make our weekend as eco-friendly as possible.


As you attend Maryland Day weekend venues and events, thank you for leaving the lightest footprint possible!


Some suggestions to be more sustainable:

  • Bring your reusable water bottle and coffee cup.

    • Keep your eye out for water refill stations at our sites including the Annapolis Visitor Center, Annapolis Maritime Museum, and Homestead Gardens. Also downtown at the Annapolis Market House.

  • Be “Plastic Free” by saying no to single-use plastic water bottles, straws, and bags!

  • Remember to bring your reusable bag for purchases.

  • Go Electric! Drive by car, bike or the Annapolis Current EV shuttle!

    • PlugShare shows charging locations including at some of our sites - Annapolis Visitor Center, Maryland Hall, and Michael E. Busch Annapolis Library

    • ​The Annapolis Current (EV Shuttle or ten minute trolley) will be running

Ten Minute Trolleys | Annapolis, MD

  • Carpool and bring friends.

  • Once you park your car, leave it where it is and enjoy walking in downtown Annapolis. Use the ParkMobile app to reserve your spot!

  • If you need additional options for a ride to the next site in downtown Annapolis, you have lots of options including bus, shuttle, scooters, and bikes.

  • Make sure your waste goes into the right bin – Recycle, Compost, or Trash.

  • Don’t forget to thank the sites for doing the right thing! (Being a responsible visitor and consumer while “on the go” creates demand!)

    • With guidance from the Maryland Green Registry, many sites have begun the process of becoming members on their path to sustainability by showcasing their voluntary actions to reduce energy and water usage ​or reduce waste!

We’re fortunate to live where we do on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay. We have a responsibility to be good stewards of our land and waters when we’re at home and on the go. Setting an example during our state’s day of celebration is the right thing to do!


Tourism is one of Maryland’s leading industries. Events, festivals, meetings, etc., result in significant environmental impacts. The amount of waste generated, the amount of material used, transportation to and from, and the energy and water consumed during the event, add up. Together, visitors/attendees and organizations/host sites can make Maryland Day “Growing a Little Greener!”







© 2024 Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area


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